Electronic Job Profiling
Job Profiling is a generic term used to describe any type of information that defines the inputs, process and outputs of any job. This may include things like purpose statements, grades, roles & responsibilities, expected results, priorities, reporting structures, required skills & qualifications, experience etc. associated with the job or the person doing the job.
HR Manage e-Job Profiling is a software system linked to a powerful database and web interface. The system can be used for setting up multiple types of Job Profiles e.g.
- Job Descriptions (to define the tasks and/or responsibilities per job title)
- Performance Agreements / Contracts (to define the outputs or goals per job title)
- Competence Profile (to define the qualifications and competencies per job title)
Job Profiles can be set up with multiple sub-components like KPA’s, Key Performance Indicators, Outcomes, Activities, etc. All these so called sub-components are kept in different tables in the database. The content of Job Profiles are not just kept in text boxes but each Job Profile has multiple layers allowing you to drill right down to the finest detail. It also allows links between the company’s strategic objectives and for example the individual’s KPA’s. This functionality will allow one to set the system up to support the principles contained in the Balanced Scorecard.
Because all the components in these Profiles are kept in a relational database it enables one to make changes on a high level that will effect all the Job Profiles.

Summary of Features

Powerful User Interface
Job Profiling Matrices allow for capturing profiles for multiple jobs at the same time, quickly and easily.

Skills Profiles
Each job can have a skills profile defined, listing the skills (and proficiency in those skills) and training needed for each job.

The module can be extensively customised and clients are allowed to define their own terminology and profile structures. Multiple profile structures can be configured.

Online Self-Service
Employees can log in online and view their own job profiles, performance agreements and even profiles for other occupations (depending on how security is configured). Employees and Managers can change job profiles as part of a workflow.

Job Profile Library
Job Profiles are kept in “Libraries” for easy maintenance. Once a Job Profile is linked to an individual it can be customised without effecting the master copy in the “Library”. The e-Job Profiles can be published on the companies Web site so that anyone can view and print Job Profiles form the Library. Individual customised Job Profiles can be viewed and printed under each person’s personal page.
The profile components (e.g. KPAs, Major Outputs, etc.) and the structure of the job profiles are defined and customised according to the client’s requirements.

Electronic Job Profiling System
Job Profiling forms the basis for multiple HR interventions. Because information on Job Profiles changes often it is difficult to keep them up to date. With e-Job Profiling this task becomes more manageable with up to date profiles that can be used for recruitment, induction, training needs analysis, job rotation, multi-skilling, grading, performance management etc.
HR Manage provides various ways to manage job profiles. Job Profiles can be set up for specific job titles, profiles can be customised completely for an individual, job titles can be grouped into a job profiling matrix which allows setting up profiles in a batch or profiles can be customised online as part as a review process (Agree on outcomes).

Personal Development Planning
Each Job Title can be linked to a set of “job specifications” or “job requirements”. These will include skills, experience, training courses and qualifications that may be regarded as important for that specific job. Job specifications can be grouped into categories in order to view the requirements as a structured document.
Employees can in turn log into HR Manage Online and capture their own CVs by selecting profile components from libraries that are applicable to them or can be set up under the Employee Profiling screen. The person’s portfolio can then be compared to the requirements of any job title to see how big the “skill gap” is when using the system for succession planning
Need more information?
Contact us today for a demonstration and see what our software can do for your company.