People Management
Comprehensive Integrated Personnel Administration
Accurate employee data forms the basis of any HR database. With our system it is possible to extract employee information from any payroll (or SAP) and maintain up to date records of all employees without having to capture any changes manually. This is a core module that integrates with the Training Administration, the Performance Management System, Leave Administration, etc. All information in other modules related to a specific employee, can be viewed and managed from this module so everything is accessible from one place.
The module supports capturing of various types of information ranging from Occupational information to contact details and provides easy integration with other modules like Job Profiling by simply clicking a button to access information from the module. The design is based on the powerful Office-style look-and-feel which makes it very easy to use. The module allows for capturing of employees, for larger companies, the capturing of external contractors and for training providers, the capturing of students / learners.
What makes HR Manage unique, is the way it enables users to view and manage information. The Employee Manager uses our Filter Engine in combination with a listing control to quickly and easily view employees. Security is enforced throughout the application which means that users will only be able to filter out employees that they have access to. Security can be configured to be enforced on multiple levels like Company, Branch, Department, Division and Job Grade. Where most software packages allow editing of single employees, HR Manage provides a method for updating information in batches.

Basic Features & Functionality

Powerful User Interface
The Employee Manager allows the quick filtering and exporting of people as well as updating employees in batches. It is the main hub from where all records from other modules can be managed for the selected people from a single point. Security determines who and what users can see by removing inaccessible locations from the filter engine and preventing opening employees that users don’t have access to.

The employee module can be extensively customised and configured including the management of lookup tables, building of dashboards, defining of compliance requirement groups, customisation of the filter engine and table columns. Administrators can even create custom fields and headings for the employee editor in order to capture additional data for employees where no standard fields are available.

Payroll Integration
Data from the Payroll will be imported into the HR Manage system with regular intervals. The type and nature of the data that must be transferred from the Payroll into the HR Management system will be determined by the client. See our Payroll Integration page for more details.

Occupational History
During each update of data from the Payroll the system will check if the current Job Title or Location of an employee has changed, and if so, write an entry into the occupational history. This is useful for tracking personnel movement and promotions.

All the records from terminated employees will be kept in the database for future referral and reason for terminations can be linked to Department of Labour categories. With the use of the filters engine, terminated employees can be included or excluded on reports. Employees can also be restricted.

Organisational Chart
Organisational charts based on the employees (or their positions) in the HR database can be generated in the self-service portal. Employees can be linked to up to 13 different people which means that theoretically, an employee can belong to up to 13 different organisational charts. The organisational chart can be generated as text in a tree (similar to folders in Windows Explorer) or graphically (similar to shapes in Visio). Employees can also zoom in on different parts of the organisational chart.

Online Self-Service
Employees can log in online and view their own details as well as edit their own biographic information which will generate a Change Request. Each change in the request can be approved or rejected by the designated person(s).

Reporting & Exporting
Various reporting options are available. Standard reports via the report wizard, custom designed reports via the Internal Report Designer and exporting filtered records to Excel with the click of a button.
Contractor & Compliance Management
Managing Contractors
HR Manage has extensive support for managing contractors, both the external companies and their employees. The full range of functionality that is available to employees can also be made available to contractors. This includes compliance, training and even related data like issued equipment.
Contractors are loaded like employees in HR Manage, but as a different type of person that can be linked to up to two external companies (i.e. Main Contractor and Sub-Contractor).
External Companies are also managed on HR Manage and can have their own set of Compliance Requirements that can be managed and maintained.
Managers can log in online and view their sub-ordinates as well as their compliance status and upcoming expiry information.
Managing Compliance
HR Manage has multiple ways of defining and managing compliance and can be integrated with access control systems to block access should any of the compliance information be missing or expired. HR Manage also provides various reports for tracking expiry of compliance to ensure that requirements or training are renewed before it expires.
Compliance requirements are firstly configured by defining Requirement Groups and specifying which requirements are included. The groups are then automatically linked to people based on where they’re working in the company and their occupation.
Training requirements can be embedded in the job profiles so that required compliance training is automatically tracked as people are employed or change positions.
Integration with other modules
The People Management module serves as the core hub in HR Manage from where all other modules can be accessed.
Instantly access data from other modules
By simply selecting a person in the Employee Manager, any of the following information can be accessed with a click or two:
- Compliance Overview, Status and Details
- Current Job Profile and Customised Performance Review Profile
- Training Overview, History, Certificates and Bursaries
- Leave Overview, Balances, Settings and History
- Disciplinary and Grievance Records
- Workflows where employee is the Target Person
- Instantly download a Compliance Pack (zip file containing all attachments in a requirement group)
Create / Start Processes in other modules
By selecting one or more employees, the following actions can be performed for multiple people at once by choosing the appropriate action:
- Update people in a batch (i.e. Manager, Leave Approvers, etc.)
- Manually link people to Requirement Groups (for Compliance)
- Set or Reset Leave Balances
- Create Leave Applications
- Schedule for Training
- Create Performance Review Processes
- Create Workflows where the selected people will be the workflow’s Target Person
Storing Related Information
Disciplinary Register
HR Manage contains a detailed register for capturing disciplinary actions and grievances that can be grouped in various categories. All important information is captured including Outcome, CCMA information and Appeal information. Company specific disciplinary categories can be aligned with Department of Labour categories so that reporting in terms of EE parameters is made easy.

Related Information
Information about family members, memberships (medical aid, funeral plans, etc.), scanned documents, issued equipment, etc. can be captured, stored and uploaded for each employee.
Need more information?
Contact us today for a demonstration and see what our software can do for your company.