Incident Reporting System

The Incident Reporting Module is an extension of the Workflow & Forms module with some specialised features. Incident Types and sub-types can be defined and a workflow will be generated based on the combination of Incident Type and the Location selected.
Workflows can be designed through the Windows application in a Visio-style designer like with the workflow designer and security can be defined for every type, sub-type and location (Who can view and who can create).
While this module used the Workflow module as base, it contains some additional fields and settings built-in that relates to incidents, costs, etc.
This module can essentially do everything the Workflow module can and more since this module is built on top of it. See the information below for details about what this module adds to our powerful Workflow module and then see the Workflow module page for more details.
Additional Features for Workflows

Incident Types
Instead of Workflow Categories, Incidents are started by selecting an Incident Type. Incident Types serve as both a category and a type that can have a 2-level hierarchy of types and sub-types. The combined parent and sub-incident type contain the configuration information needed for starting off the workflow, including:
- Responsible people to manage the specific type of incident
- Security access to determine who can report certain types of incidents
- Notification subscribers – people to be kept in the loop
- The Workflow template that should be followed

Custom Incident Locations
Rather than being limited to organisational structure in HR Manage, the Incident Reporting System allows the creation of custom incident locations that links to a combination of Branch and Department / Division within the HR Manage structures.
Based on the incident location, additional Notification Subscribers can be included in the workflow and the Responsible People for the incident can be adjusted per incident type. i.e. An Injury-related incident in Pretoria and Cape Town might have a different people who would be responsible for managing and overseeing the incident’s workflow process.

Custom Initial Form
Forms containing various types of text, images and questions can be built and prompted as part of the incident reporting process that must be completed by the person reporting the incident. This is configured per incident type or sub-type. If the sub-type has no form template specified, it will user the form template from the parent incident type.

Links to Support Documents
Links to documents from the Published Document Library can be included in an incident type and/or sub-types. When reporting a new incident, the person reporting the incident will be able to open those documents which can contain additional information, guides on how to report the incident or a document that must be completed and attached to the incident upon creation.

Notification Subscribers
Define subscribers for each incident type, location or combination thereof to determine who must be notified when an incident gets created and/or updated. These are people who aren’t necessarily involved in the workflow, but needs to be kept up to date with proceedings.

Security can be specified for every Incident Type, Location and combination thereof. This controls which incidents can be reported by which employees and determines who can respond to which activities.
Workflow Templates
The Workflow Template that determines the process to be followed is configured in the Incident Type or Sub-Types. If a sub-type doesn’t have a workflow template configured, then the parent incident type’s workflow template will be used.
All the above features work in conjunction with our workflow software. The workflow module is a fully customisable no-code workflow system with many different types of activities available like sign offs, custom forms, task lists, decisions and many more including support for developing custom plugin activities. For more information on this, click the button below.

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